- Appeal to the AOTS clubs across Canada.
- AOTS clubs will see the results of other work almost immediately.
- Reaches out beyond the church and club into the community- as is the call of Christ "So into all the world"
- Involve youth, our future leaders of our Church community and country.
- A project that is "do-able" (can be done) and is exciting.
- To encourage clubs to undertake 4 of the 8 main objectives of the AOTS constitution:
- To encourage and give practical assistance to Boy's and Youth work in the Church and community;
- To participate actively in the Church's efforts to strengthen Christian family life;
- To develop programs, projects and activities that will both interest the men of the Church and community in becoming active club members and aid in achieving the aim of the club;
- To develop consecrated and effective leadership;
A project like this tends to strengthen your club and add new members.
- Introduces your club to the community and parents of the youth you have sent.
- Helps to promote Christian learning and leadership to the youth in the community that might not have had the chance to experience.
- Adds a element of competition between clubs in your community, province and even country
- Helps to promote the AOTS Nationally by way of combining statistics to show a greater impact to create a better awareness of the AOTS and the project.